Onderwaterhockeyers van Nederland en in het bijzonder de scheidsrechters; dit is dé kans om op lage kosten een prachtig toernooi mee te maken. Lees vooral de oproep van Gustavo hieronder:
Dear UWH friends in Europe,
I am now organizing the US effort to send teams to the Juniors 2015 event in Spain. The organizers require that we provide a Level 3 referee for each team. Our teams are not certain to have enough players, largely due to the expense involved. To make things a bit less costly we are trying to save in the referee expense. In this plan we would pay for travel cost and a small stipend to a referee that is already in Europe and would be interested in being a ref at Junior Worlds as part of the US team fulfillment of requirement.It would be great if any of you would be interested! If not one of you, it would help if you could forward this request to any possible candidate. Please send me your thoughts on this plan, even if just a short comment.Thank you in advance.Best,Gustavo PesceJuniors Steering CommitteeUSA UWH Committee, USOA
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